First of all, welcome to the Talking Mental Health forums!
We have designed this area as a safe space for our members to engage in healthy discussion about mental health.
Over time, we hope this area of our site will develop into a broad and engaging place that covers a vast range of mental health topics and one that contains information you find useful.
If at any point you would like to begin your own thread, follow these steps:
Step 1
Click the 'Create a post' button found just below and to the right of the forum home page header.
Step 2
Choose which kind of thread you want to create. You will be given the choice of a 'discussion' thread or a 'question' thread. Choose whichever you think is more suitable to your content.
Step 3
Add your content!
Although we encourage open discussion in this forum, please be aware that we do not tolerate anti-social behaviour. Please refer to our community guidelines to see the type of content we will and will not tolerate.
Now that you're ready, go forth and start posting!