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The ultimate guide to ghosting
In recent years, the term "ghosting" has become increasingly popular, especially in the world of dating. But the behaviour can occur in any type of relationship, whether involved friends, family, neighbours, or even colleagues. In fact, ghosting or ‘quiet quitting’ has been a new phenomenon within the workplace, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rhyana Ebanks-Babb examines why ghosting can happen, its effects on mental health, and steps to rebuild a lost relationship.
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Raising awareness around mental health needs of the LGBTQ+ community
The conversation about gender and sexuality, much like mental health, is as strong and open as it ever has been. But many members of the LGBTQ+ community still face barriers that can affect their mental health.
LGBT Foundation's Talking Therapies Programme Manager, Emine Akkunt, gives her insight into these issues and what needs to change in order to address them.